Scopri i verbi e le espressioni che si usano quando si viaggia, dalla pianificazione, al viaggio in macchina e aereo!
Il nostro viaggio a Roma – Summer 2021
Discover what we did in Rome during our trip. Listen to this Italian and English podcast episode and practice your listening skills… Continue…
My Most Authentic Pisa
If you are interested in visiting Pisa, you will have definitely heard of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Since every tourist guide ever has exhausted the topic, during the time spent reading this blog the tower will not exist. Instead, we will talk about the quirks and kinks of Pisa that made me fall in love with the city… Continue…
At the Airport – Vocabulary and Expressions While Travelling
Today we’ll be talking about some Italian language vocabulary – what do you say when you’re at the airport?… Continue…